The Brutal Consequences of IronFran
There are endless side effects when training for an ultra endurance event. One of the biggies, as Franny has learnt on his previous challenges, is the damage to your feet. Imagine the repetitive pounding they take, along with the joints, when running a gruelling 26.2 miles. Then add a 2.4 mile swim and a 112 mile cycle. Then times that all by 7. Well that’s exactly what Franny is facing, 7 Ironman triathlons in 7 consecutive days.
This picture of his feet definitely isn’t pretty but it’s a small insight into the many brutal consequences of taking on a challenge of this magnitude. Franny is doing all of this in the name of Cancer Research UK. Please do your bit and donate whatever you can. You can text Fran5 or Fran10 to 70200 to donate £5 or £10 or donate via the website today. Let’s help Franny put an end to Cancer once and for all.